Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Welcome to My Sock Page!

This is the long-anticipated site where we can discuss anything to do with socks.  Anything at all!


  1. This blog is teh most awesome blog on teh internets!

  2. I like to wear wooly socks when TSA guys touch my junk.

  3. What are your favorite types of socks Allegra?

  4. I need help. Socks keep disappearing in my dryer. I thought it was the dryer doing it at frist, but now I know it is the gnomes! Those evil gnomes...They sneak in the back of the dryer and steal them! What should I do? I was thinking of laying traps, but gnomes are very wiley y'know...

  5. Two pairs of your socks are pregnant.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey Foozle....what are you wearing?

    /heavy breathing

  8. um...I'm not wearing socks, if that's what you mean....

  9. Can you help with my gnome infestation problem?

  10. "Gnome Motels"

    Gnomes check in but they don't check out.

  11. Blog Pimp said:

    "I like to wear wooly socks when TSA guys touch my junk."

    Wear socks on your junk? I'm confused.


  12. There's gotta be SOME way to get rid of the pesky little sock-stealing gnomes...

    *Checks to see if there are any gnome exterminators in the phone book*

  13. Fox in socks on box on Knox.

    Chicks with bricks come.
    Chicks with blogs come.
    Chicks with bricks and blogs and clocks come.

    Look, sir. Look, sir. Mr. Knox, sir.
    Let's do tricks with bricks and blogs, sir.
    Let's do tricks with chicks and clocks, sir.

    First, I'll make a quick trick brick stack.
    Then I'll make a quick trick blog stack.

    You can make a quick trick chick stack.
    You can make a quick trick clock stack.

    And here's a new trick, Mr. Knox....
    Socks on chicks and chicks on fox.
    Fox on clocks on bricks and blogs.
    Bricks and blogs on Knox on box.

    Now we come to ticks and tocks, sir.
    Try to say this Mr. Knox, sir....

    Clocks on fox tick.
    Clocks on Knox tock.
    Six sick bricks tick.
    Six sick chicks tock.

    Please, sir. I don't like this trick, sir.
    My tongue isn't quick or slick, sir.
    I get all those ticks and clocks, sir,
    mixed up with the chicks and tocks, sir.
    I can't do it, Mr. Fox, sir.

    I'm so sorry, Mr. Knox, sir.
